
Sadafumi Takahashi

Equity Capital Markets, Investment Banking

当Sadafumi "Sada" Takahashi上高中的时候, 他和妈妈去纽约度了一周的假. 和游客一样,他们发现自己在曼哈顿中城高耸的摩天大楼中徘徊. “我们当时正经过澳博官方网站app的办公楼,”萨达回忆道. When he asked his mom what JPMorgan Chase did, 她告诉他不要担心——他永远不会在那里工作, anyway.

A few years later, Sada proved her wrong: After an internship in 2018, 他于2019年加入澳博官方网站app,成为全职员工. Three years later, his career is still going strong.

  • Work location: Tokyo, Japan
  • Major: Management
  • University: University of Warwick
  • Favorite breakfast food: Croissants
  • Top travel destination: Maldives, Barcelona and Hawaii
  • Languages spoken: Italian, Japanese and English
  • Favorite ice cream flavor: Stracciatella(牛奶冰淇淋,夹心巧克力片)
  • Favorite coffee beverage: Espresso
  • Favorite book: Originals by Adam Grant
  • Favorite hobby: Football, cycling and traveling
  • Job in a nutshell: 我就发行股票或与股票相关的产品向客户提供法律意见,并协助此类发行的执行

What was the path that led you to JPMorgan Chase?
In 2017, 我当时在英国华威大学(University of Warwick)学习管理学,正试图决定是进入咨询行业还是金融业. 我去了波士顿职业论坛——日本公司招聘海外留学生的地方——看到了澳博官方网站app的展位. I went in, gave them my CV, and had a quick chat. 那天晚上我们一起吃了晚饭,第二天早上我有三个人参加了一个小时的面试. They gave me an internship offer that day.  

The funny thing is that, as I had been walking by their booth, I assumed that JPMorgan Chase wouldn't even consider me because I hadn't preapplied; I believed there was no hope. 但后来我想,“让我们看看他们怎么说,”然后就回去了. I did my internship in the summer of 2018, 我收到了我的工作邀请,并于2019年7月开始全职在日本做股票销售.

Collage of Sadafumi Takahashi's favorite things.

Collage of Sadafumi Takahashi's favorite things: weekend getaway; Asakusa, Tokyo; favorite cherry blossoms in Tokyo; night out in Izakaya; and hiking out in nature.

What made you decide to work at JPMorgan Chase?
我认为大多数学生在学校的时候都没有明确的想法,他们真正想在哪个行业或哪家公司工作. 然而,我在澳博官方网站app的实习让我在这里体验了两个月的工作. That's when I saw first-hand how good the company is, 我的同事都是非常聪明和积极的人. 我意识到这是一个很好的环境,一个新的毕业生可以真正了解工作,建立一个良好的职业生涯.

我的团队里每个人的年龄都不一样, cultural background and gender, 但我惊讶地发现,我们的差异实际上有助于建立更强的解决问题的能力, innovation and teamwork.

在这里工作最令人惊讶的是这里的多元文化和对培养年轻人才的重视. 我们澳博官方网站app的文化和团队精神是独一无二的. 我的团队里每个人的年龄都不一样, cultural background and gender, 但我惊讶地发现,我们的差异实际上有助于建立更强的解决问题的能力, innovation and teamwork.

We also have business resource groups at JPMorgan Chase, 哪些能促进我们员工对多元化和社区参与的承诺. Personally, I am involved in the “Access Ability" group, which works with the disabled and their caregivers. I help organize a wide range of events; it is nice that the firm gives me an opportunity to give back to the community.

In addition, 该公司有一个“分析师和助理委员会”,为年轻员工提供指导, mobility, networking, performance development, and training. If you look at the management team, especially in Japan, 他们中的大多数人都是从澳博官方网站app开始他们的职业生涯的. 这确实表明了公司对人才发展的重视程度.

如果你有机会和年轻时的自己谈谈, 关于在澳博官方网站app工作,你会告诉他们什么?
我认为大学生的一个误解是,他们需要有金融背景才能从事金融工作,但这实际上是完全不正确的. I think that, if you don't have a finance background, 这更好,因为它使你与其他候选人不同.

澳博官方网站app确实在强调多样性和包容性,而不仅仅是在性别或文化方面. 多样性和包容性是关于候选人的整体背景.

如果每个人都是金融专业的,很可能他们的想法都是一样的. 但是如果你有一个英国文学背景的人, for instance, or geography, they can bring a new perspective. 因此,建立一个专业多样、背景广泛的多元化团队对澳博官方网站app来说非常重要.

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