


爱尔兰共和军Pandey considers herself lucky: After interning for 澳博官方网站app in 2019 as part of a postgraduate program, she received an offer to join the company full-time in April 2020.


"During that time, a lot of firms were revoking their offers or delaying the joining date," she says. "But 澳博官方网站app did not do that—and I had a very smooth virtual on-boarding."

那是开始一份新工作的艰难时期, 但这也让她对公司有了一个有用的了解, 她在人力资源部工作吗. “我亲自实习真的很有帮助, 因为那次经历让我认识了一些人,艾拉说. "Otherwise, it might have been slightly difficult to get assimilated into the company."

More than three years later—during which her training program has allowed her to explore different roles in the company—she's even happier. "It's given me a lot of exposure into the Human Resources function, 我喜欢这是一个全球性的角色,她谈到她的项目时说. “到目前为止,这很有趣."

  • 工作地点: 班加罗尔,印度
  • 主要: 资讯科技及管理
  • 大学: 英迪拉甘地德里技术大学
  • 最喜欢的早餐食物: 燕麦
  • 首选旅游目的地: 冰岛
  • 语言: 英语和印地语
  • 最喜欢的冰淇淋口味: 奶油苹果 (最喜欢的印度本土品牌)
  • 最喜欢的咖啡饮料: 星巴克的Java星冰乐
  • 最喜欢的书: 傲慢与偏见 简·奥斯汀
  • 最喜欢的爱好: 读书,去健身房锻炼,做瑜伽
  • 简而言之: I work in the Employee Digital and Service Experience team within Human Resources. My team transforms and optimizes processes in Talent Acquisition Operations division.


As part of my postgraduate diploma, we have to intern for two months at the end of our first year. Many firms—including 澳博官方网站app—come to campus to recruit summer analysts, 我在参加了一次招聘活动后被录用了. I interned for two months in the company's corporate center in Mumbai, and then they asked me to return as a full-time analyst the following year.

I joined the firm as part of the Human Resources Analyst Development Program, in which you complete three rotations across different departments, and then take on an ongoing role within the Human Resources division. 我的第一个角色是人力资源业务合作伙伴, 在那里我被分配到一个特定的业务领域工作, 就各项措施建立战略伙伴关系. 那个角色我演了大约一年. Then I moved into the campus recruitment space and actually got a chance to recruit from my own postgraduate program. 我回到了我的校园,但这次, I was on the other side of the table as a recruiter—which was really humbling for me.

第三轮, 我被提升为助理, 我在人力资源部门工作, which is also known as Employee Digital and Service Experience (EDSE). EDSE为员工在公司的旅程提供重要的服务, from enhancing new joiner experience to ensuring a smooth off boarding. 在我的具体工作中, I look into these existing HR processes and try to optimize or automate them, 让他们变得更好、更有效率.

因为这个品牌,我去了澳博官方网站app面试, 这是不言自明的, but I also knew a couple of former students who were already in the analyst development program and had heard good things about it from them.

I don't think there are any other programs in India that offer the same kind of exposure into the world of HR. 通常在其他公司, 你以管理培训生的身份加入, and complete a one-year management program where you undergo a two month stint in different roles. I was lucky enough to enter a rotational program at 澳博官方网站app where you spend eight to nine months in one role, 我真的很喜欢. The rotational aspect gives me sufficient time to actually understand the role and make a difference through it, 我们可以尝试三种不同的. 这真的引起了我的兴趣,让它变得非常有趣.

学习的机会, grow and build a career in a supportive environment is what I like the best about this firm.

What were some of your first impressions when you joined 澳博官方网站app?
It's professional, established and there are processes in place so that nothing happens randomly. 但它并不是一成不变的.

Everybody has a defined role, but if you have a difference of opinion, people will listen to you. They keep telling us in all our team meetings and leadership visits that, 如果你有问题, 请随便问, 如果你有什么建议或建议, 成功. 被倾听是职业成长的重要组成部分.

People are very helpful as well: I remember having a million questions during my first few months. 如果我的经理不知道答案, he would redirect me to someone who I could reach out to for help. 我意识到即使你是新来的,人们也会毫不犹豫地和你说话. I can easily reach out through online chat or jump on a zoom call. Everyone I've encountered has been very responsive and always willing to help me out.

我每天都在学习,总会有新的东西出现. It's not monotonous at all, and I don't feel like I'm dragging or doing a job for the sake of it. 我很享受学习的过程. I also like the global exposure that we get when working with teams spread across the world, united by our goal of providing a best in class employee experience while also comprehending the cultural nuances in building these experiences.

And I have been consistently lucky to have managers who are supportive. 当你刚开始一个角色的时候, 你的经理是你尊敬的人, 帮助你更好地定位和理解你的角色. 当我犯错时, I felt comfortable enough to be able to tell them and understand together how to resolve it. 学习的机会, grow and build a career in a supportive environment is what I like the best about this firm.


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