
Ece Batmaz


Ece Batmaz花了一段时间才找到自己的路. 在大学, she changed majors three times—including a stint in finance—before choosing computer information systems. At first glance, CIS didn't seem a likely choice—at school, she only took two programming classes.

All of that makes her current career a little surprising: Not only does Ece work for a major international bank, 但她也是一名程序员! 她的终极之路的关键是科技连接, a 澳博官方网站app program that hires people with different backgrounds and experiences to join the company. Participants go through a Java training course and then start their technology career at the firm. The idea behind the program is to bring fresh perspectives and ideas into the tech world, which means people with no programming experience are just what the program is looking for.

完成Tech Connect训练营后, Ece joined a team that has supported her growth for the past two years. She continues learning front end and back end processes for the applications, and is taking on some project and people management tasks as well. Today, with new experiences and opportunities constantly coming her way, she has no plans to leave.

真正的原因是人民. I had already applied to 澳博官方网站app, but hadn't heard back. 在格蕾丝·霍珀科技界女性庆典上, I walked up to the 澳博官方网站app booth and connected so well with every single person.

Everyone was super down to earth, welcoming and easy to talk to, and I had a moment of "Wow! 这些人真的很有吸引力!" They invited me to happy hour and I got to talk with a lot of people, 从工程师到高层领导, 感觉真的很好. Afterward, there was no question of going after something else.

  • 工作地点: 美国新泽西州泽西城
  • 主要: Computer Information Systems (but previously Liberal Arts and Finance)
  • 大学: 纽约城市大学巴鲁克学院
  • 最喜欢的早餐食物: 隔夜燕麦或鸡蛋
  • 热门旅游目的地西班牙和日本
  • 语言: 英语和土耳其语
  • 最喜欢的冰淇淋口味: 草莓和开心果
  • 最喜欢的咖啡饮料: 经典的老式冷咖啡
  • 最喜欢的书: 丢失的自述文件 by Chris Riccomini and Dmitriy Ryaboy (recommended for all the new engineers out there!)
  • 最喜欢的爱好: 烹饪和远足
  • 简而言之: I’m a full stack developer working on a web application that serves product owners and users across the firm

When you came to work at 澳博官方网站app, what was your first impression?
It was my first year out of college and I was a little bit intimidated. 我在和团队成员开会, 执行董事, 董事总经理, 我花了一段时间才忘记. 但当我们终于见面的时候, 我得到的印象是他们是人, 这让我们之间的联系变得更好了. You feel their energy in the way they talk to you and the effort they make to understand you.  

Ece Batmaz Favs的拼贴图像.

It's liberating to be able to get to a trusting place with your management where you can say "this is what I want to be working on,让你的经理支持你.

What is your favorite thing about interacting with your managers, co-workers or team?
It's liberating to be able to get to a trusting place with your management where you can say "this is what I want to be working on,还有让你的经理支持你. 所以我最喜欢的部分就是完全做我自己.

The Software Engineering Program culture is extremely open. You could literally come and ask any question and you'll be connected with someone who can give you some direction. 如果你有任何顾虑, 或者你对新技术或移动性感兴趣, 有人可以和你说话. 我遇到了一位从事用户体验设计的女性, and she's moved with 澳博官方网站app to different countries three or four times. 这是一件让我印象深刻的事. I'm repeatedly surprised by the openness and how welcoming people are. 像我这样的, 我的经理没有技术背景, 但如果你碰到他, 你会以为他是个技术专家什么的. He has a way of figuring out every bug and getting past the problems we run into. 他是不可战胜. 这总是让我惊讶. I keep wondering when we're going to run into an issue that he can't figure out. 他鼓励我继续前进.

What do you think would surprise people about your job at 澳博官方网站app?
我不是整天都在写代码! 尽管人们认为. 成为一名软件工程师需要做很多事情. Primarily validating things and making sure it's in a great state to actually go live in market. I don't code 9-5; I do a lot of other things.

What is one challenge you faced at work that really helped you grow?
我们有几个月没有产品负责人, and as an engineering team we were in charge of doing design, 考虑到用户的需求. 这给了我一个在产品方面工作的机会, to really understand the business value of the features we're trying to roll out, 以及这对用户的影响.

当你在编码的时候, 尤其是作为一名新工程师, it takes a while to understand the exact problem statement your product is trying to resolve. Once you get into the vision of the product, that's a whole different story. Not only are we now solving the problem, but we're asking what can we do better.

If you could talk to your younger self about their job search—and, 特别是, about going to work at 澳博官方网站app—what advice would you give?
我会告诉自己去争取. 相信自己. Often times we are held back by uncertainty or our fears. You won't overcome the "what if's" until you make things happen.


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